"I have found heaven on earth, since heaven is God, and God is in my soul. My mission in heaven will be to draw souls, helping them to go out of themselves to cling to God, with a spontaneous, love-filled action, and to keep them in that great interior silence which enables God to make his mark on them, to transform them into himself." (Letter 122)
~ Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
Blog Archive
- "I am the happiest creature in the world. God is ...
- One day we went horseback riding ...
- Never compare one person with another... St. Teres...
- Let us rejoice, O my Beloved! Let us go forth to s...
- So dearly does His Majesty love us that He will re...
- Mine are the heavens and mine is the earth; mine ...
- On the question of relating to our fellowman - ou...
- "I have found heaven on earth, since heaven is God...
- O my Jesus, my vocation is found at last. My voca...
- O my God, You give me the keenest desire not to di...
- Oh Lord, my life and my strength, one of the great...
- When a soul sets out upon this path He [Jesus Chri...
- Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning wha...
- For my heart is always with Him, day and night it ...
- I wanted to be happy and searched for happiness ev...
- May He be blessed forever Who waited for me so lon...
- The future hasn't been revealed to me, yet Jesus h...
- The proud person is like a grain of wheat thrown i...
- It is not the soul that makes the progress, but it...
- I shall foster to work for the happiness of other...
- If anyone comes to me, I want to lead them to Him...
- Always think of yourself as everyone's servant; lo...
- For my heart is always with Him, day and night it ...
- In seeing you [Virgin Mary] so pure, so tender, an...
- Christ has no body now, but yours. No hands, no fe...
- Let nothing trouble you, let nothing frighten you....