Let us rejoice, O my Beloved!
Let us go forth to see ourselves in Thy beauty,
To the mountain and the hill,
Where the pure water flows...
~ St. John of the Cross from The Spiritual Canticles
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Blog Archive
- "I am the happiest creature in the world. God is ...
- One day we went horseback riding ...
- Never compare one person with another... St. Teres...
- Let us rejoice, O my Beloved! Let us go forth to s...
- So dearly does His Majesty love us that He will re...
- Mine are the heavens and mine is the earth; mine ...
- On the question of relating to our fellowman - ou...
- "I have found heaven on earth, since heaven is God...
- O my Jesus, my vocation is found at last. My voca...
- O my God, You give me the keenest desire not to di...
- Oh Lord, my life and my strength, one of the great...
- When a soul sets out upon this path He [Jesus Chri...
- Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning wha...
- For my heart is always with Him, day and night it ...
- I wanted to be happy and searched for happiness ev...
- May He be blessed forever Who waited for me so lon...
- The future hasn't been revealed to me, yet Jesus h...
- The proud person is like a grain of wheat thrown i...
- It is not the soul that makes the progress, but it...
- I shall foster to work for the happiness of other...
- If anyone comes to me, I want to lead them to Him...
- Always think of yourself as everyone's servant; lo...
- For my heart is always with Him, day and night it ...
- In seeing you [Virgin Mary] so pure, so tender, an...
- Christ has no body now, but yours. No hands, no fe...
- Let nothing trouble you, let nothing frighten you....