Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I wanted to be happy and searched for happiness everywhere. I dreamed of being very rich, but I saw that over night rich people can become poor. And even if at times it doesn't happen, one sees that on the one hand riches abound, and on the other hand, people are overwhelmed by poverty of affection and unity. I've thought of happiness in the affection of a perfect young man, but the very idea that some day he might love me with less enthusiasm or that he could die, leaving me alone in the struggles of life, makes me reject the idea that by marrying I'll be happy. No. This doesn't satisfy me. For me, happiness is not found there. Where, then, I ask myself, is it to be found? Then I understood that I hadn't been born for earthly things but for eternal ones. Why go on denying this fact any longer? Only in God has my heart found its rest. With God my soul found itself fully satisfied, so that I desire nothing in this world but to belong to Him completely.
St. Teresa of Jesus of the Andes from her Letters

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